This is the third time I have participated in a jam session.

My initial idea was to recreate something reminiscent of “The 3-D Battles of World Runner,” a forgotten NES gem.

Unfortunately, it has been a busy week and I have not been able to realize my initial idea; I have only been able to devote two evening hours a day to the jam. 

Looking on google for tips on how to recreate the 3d effect of world runner I found a post by a user that said. 

”This Square game was actually a platformer where you're running and can jump (except boss fights), instead of flying in SH, and you can even walk backward(I think its “sequel” JJ just removed this feature). There are also items to collect and pits to jump over. (But yeah, Highway Star/Rad Racer by the same people is more a rip-off of OutRun.) Also it had good presentation and the programming was great. (Consider that sloppy developers could fail horribly doing the same things on the powerful PC-Engine.)”

This guy was right. 80s programmers were amazing. I vow to pick up this game again in the future and try again. 

Sometimes the background music doesn't go. It definitely depends on GWT, but I still haven't figured out what they don't like.



SPACE to hit the enemy

Published 7 days ago
TagslibGDX, No AI, Side Scroller


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yooo the 3d effect is so cool! works rlly well for this game, cool entry! <3